Drain Troubles & Leaks

What could gurgling a rarely used wet bat sink when water drains in the kitchen at one end of the house or in a bath at the other end? Chances are that the wet bar is not vented or that its vent stack is blocked . You could check by looking for plumbing vent pipe protruding through the roof above the area. It will look like the ones above kitchen and bath.

Sluggish drainage is one symptom of this one problem . Sewer smell is another . When water drains in the kitchen or bath, its siphons water out of the wet bar’s drain trap , which produces a gurgling noise . Without the seal provided by water in the drain trap , sewer gas can rise up through th esink and into the house.

Big Backups
Even with proper venting, trap placement , and pipe sizing , drains still may be slow . This indicates a big blockage farther down the line. The best indicator that a blockage is in the waste line is sewage gurgling up through floor drains and basement fixtures. Solving this problem depends on your septic type.

If you have a septic system with a leachfield, your septic tank may need too be pumped out. This is a job for a professional , but it’s important to be around when the pumping concludes . Ask the pump operator if the tank was filled with enough greasy scum to cause the drain problems . If not the pipe’s in the leachfield itself may be the problem. Digging them up may be the solution.

If you’re tied into a municipal sewage system, check to see whether any work has been done on your branch line lately. If so , it could have caused problems with your drainage . If not, tree roots may have gotten into the pipes. Hire a professional to auger the line and pull out the tree roots , thereafter, flush copper sulfate root treatment through the line twice a year.

To find out whether the sink drainpipe or the flange in the sink is leaking, pour water leaks below , the problem is in the piping. If not, the problem is likely in the flange , clean off old caulk or plumbers putty ,install a fresh board of caulk , and retighten the flange . Leaks in the drainpipe generally occur in the trap . Some traps have a clean out nut that makes it easier to clean blockages.

To clear a stopped drain, you should start by using a plunger . For best results , block the over flow and second drain outlets; spread petroleum jelly on the rim of the plumbers helper, and use steady , forceful downward strokes to clear the clog . If this doe not work, you can try working a piece of wire , through the clean out plug and remove the blockage. However , snaking with a hand auger or power auger is much more effective . Disassemble the traps ; insert the auger and cleat out any blockages.

Plumbing Cutting & Soldering Pipe

Place the Cutting wheel tube over the pipe and tighten the handle so that the pipe rats on rollers and the cutting wheel is on the marked line.

Turn the tubing cutter one rotation so that the cutting wheel scores a continuous straight line around the pipe.

Rotate the cutter in the opposite direction , tightening the handle slightly after every two rotations , until the cut is complete .

Remove sharp metal burrs from the inside edge of the cut pipe , using the reaming point on the tubing cutter, or a round file .

Clean the end of each pipe by sanding with emery cloth . Ends must be free of dirt and grease to ensure that the solder forms a good seal.

Clean the inside of each fitting by scouring with a wire brush or emery cloth .

Apply a thin layer of soldering paste flux end each pipe, using a flux brush . Soldering paste should cover about 1 inch of pipe end .

Apply a thin layer of flux to the inside of the fitting . Assemble each joint by inserting the pipe into the fitting so it tight against the bottom of the fitting sockets . Twist each fitting slightly to spread soldering paste.

Use a clean dry cloth to remove excess flux before soldering the assembled fitting.

Preparer the wire by unwinding 8 inches to 10 inches of wire from spool . Bend the first 2 inches of the wire to a 90 degree angle .

Open the gas valve and trigger the spark lighter to ignite the torch. Adjust the torch valve until the inner portion of the flame is 1 inch to two inches long.

Move the torch flame back and forth and around the pipe and the fitting to heat the area evenly .

Heat the other side of the copper fitting to ensure that heat is distributed evenly . Touch solder to pipe . Solder will melt when the pipe is at the right temperature .

When solder melts remove the torch and quickly pus 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch of solder into each joint. Capillary action action fill the joint with liquid solder. A correctly soldered joint should show a thin bead of solder around the lips of the fitting.

Allow the joint to cool briefly , then wipe away excess solder with a dry rag, Caution Pipes will be hot If joints leak after is turned on , disassemble and resolder.

Valves should be fully open during all stages of the soldering process . If a valve has any plastic or rubber parts remove them prior to soldering .

To prevent valve damage , quickly heat the pipe and the flanges of the valve, not the valve body . After soldering , cool the valve by spraying with water .

Turn off the water and drain the pipes by opening the highest and lowest faucets in the house. Light your torch. Hold the flame tip to the fitting until the solder becomes shiny and begins to melt.

Use the channel type pliers to separate the pipes from the fitting .

Remove old solder by heating the ends of the pipe with your torch . Use a dry rag to wipe away melted solder quickly.

Use emery cloth to polish the ends of the pipe down to bare metal. Never use fittings.

Gutters Installing

Installing a snap together vinyl gutted is a manageable task for most do it yourselfers. Snap together gutter systems are designed for ease of installation , requiring no fasteners other than the screws used to attach the gutter hangers to the fascia .

Tool & Materials
Chalk Line , Tape Measure , Drill , Hacksaw, 1 1/4 inch deck screws , Gutters, Drain pipes, Connectors , Fittings , Hangers , Protective equipment.

Estimating Gutter Parts
Gutter sections : Measure total length of run ; 15 percent for waste , Sold in 10 foot length.
Inside/out corners : one per corner no outlet.

Connectors : Two per corner ; one per end .
End caps right and left per end .
Downspouts outlets: One for every 35 foot of gutter .
Down spout elbow : Three per downspout.
Drainpipe : one pipe per downspout outlet . Measure gutter height and add 5 foot for each pipe for splash block outlet and waste.
Drainpipe hangers : Two per drainpipe.

How to install Vinyl Gutters

Mark a point the high and each of each gutter , 1 inch from the top the fascia . Snap chalk lines that slope 1/4 inch per 10 feet. toward downspouts. For runs longer than 35 feet mark a slope from a high point in the center toward down spouts at each end .

Install downspout outlets near the ends of gutter runs at least one outlet for every 35 feet of run. The tops of the outlets should be flush with the slope line, and they should align with ends caps on the corners of the house

Following the slope line , attach hangers or support clips for hangers for a complete run . Attach them to the fascia at 24 inches intervals using deck screws .

Following the slope line attach outside and inside corners at all corner locations that do not have end caps.

Use a hacksaw to cut gutter sections to fit between outlets and corners . Attach the end cpas and connect gutter sections to the outlets. Cut and test fit gutter sections to fit between outlets, allowing for expansion .

Working on the ground, join the gutter sections together using connectors . Attach gutter hangers to the gutter for models with support clips mounted on the fascia . Hang the gutters, connecting them to the outlets.

Cut a section of drainpipe to fit between two downspout elbows, One elbow should fit over the tail of the downspout outlet and the other should fit against the wall. Assemble the parts, slip the top elbow onto the outlet . and secure the other to the siding with a drainpipe hanger.

Cut a piece to fit between the elbow at the top of the wall and the end of the drainpipe run, staying at least 12 inches above the ground . Attach an elbow ,and secure the pipe to the wall with a drainpipe hanger . Add accessories , such as splash blocks , to help channel water away from the house .

Draining & Filling System Prevention Leaks

Sediment gradually accumulates in any water based system reducing the system’s efficiency and damaging internal parts . Draining the boiler very season reduces the accumulation of sediment . Be aware that draining the system can take a long time, and the water often has a unpleasant odor. This does not indicate a problem . Drain the system during warm weather , and open the windows and run a fan to reduce andy odor.

Start by shutting of the boiler and allowing the hot system to cool. Attach a garden hose to the drain at the bottom of the the boiler, and place the valve on the highest radiator in the house .

When water stops draining , open a billed valve on a radiator closer to the boiler . When the flow stops , locate the valve or gauge on top of the boiler, and remove it with a wrench.

Maseru the stymie is cool before you add water. Close the drain valve on the boiler. Insert a funnel into the gauge fitting and rust inhibitor , available from heating supply dealers. Check the container for special instructions. Reinstall the valve or gauge in the top of the boiler , close all radiator bleed valves, and slowly reopen the water supply to the boiler .

When the water pressure gauge reads 5 psi, bleed the air from the radiators on the first floor, then do the same on the upper floors . Let the boiler reach 20 psi before you can turn the power on. Allow 12 hours for water to circulate fully, then bleed the radiators again.

Use a a garden hose to drain water from the boiler . Keep the drain end of the hose lower than the drain cock on the boiler .

If the valve or gauge on top of the boiler is attached to a separate fitting hold the fitting still with one wrench while removing the valve or gauge with another .

Using a funnel , add recommended rust inhibitor to the boiler through the valve or gauge fitting.

The boiler should reach a pressure of 20 psi berg you turn the power back on.

Replace Radiators Control Valves

A radiator control valve that won’t operate should be replaced . To replace the valve, you’ll first need to drain the system . Then use a pipe wrench to disconnect the nut on the outlet side of the valve , then disconnect the calve body from the supply pipe . Thread the tailpeace of the new calve into the radiator. Thread the valve body onto the supply pipe . Make sure the arrow on the valve body points in the direction of the water flow. Thread the connecting nut on the tailpiece onto the outlet side of the valve . When you recharge the system, open the bleed valve on the radiator until a trickle of the water runs out.

Roof problems repairs water damage prevention

Wind, weather, and flying debris can damage shingles . The ares along the valleys and ridges tend to take the most weather related abuse . Torn , loose or cracked shingles are common in the areas.

Buckled and cupped shingles are usually caused by moisture beneath the shingles. Loosened areas create an entry point for moisture and leave shingles vulnerable to wind damage.

A sagging ridge might be caused by the weight of too many roofing layers. It might also be the result of a more significant problem, such as a rotting ridge board or insufficient support for the rigid board.

Dirt and debris attract moisture and decay , which shorten a roof’s life. To protect shingles, carefully was the roof once a year using a pressure washer. Pay particular attention to areas where moss and mildew may accumulate .

In damp climates, it is good idea to nail a zinc strip along the center ridge of a roof, under the ridge caps. Minute quantities of zinc wash down the roof each time it rains , killing moss and mildew.

Overhanging tree limbs drop debris and provide shade that trim any limbs that overhang the roof.

If you have an unfinished attic, examine the underside of your roof with a flashlight on a rainy day. If you have an unfinished , examine the underside of your roof with a flashlight on a rainy day. If you find wetness , discoloration , or other signs of moisture ,trace the tail up to where the water is making its entrance .

Water flows toward a wall can be temporarily diverted to minimize damage. Nail a small block of wall in the path of the water, and place a bucket underneath to catch the drip. On a dry , drive a an through the underside of the roof decking to mark the hole .

If the leak is finding its way to finished ceiling , take steps to minimize damage until the leak can be repaired . As soon as possible, reduce the accumulation of water behind a ceiling by poking a small hole in the wallboard or plaster and draining the water.

Once you mark the source of a leak from inside, measure from that spot to a point will be visible and identifiable from the outside the house , such as chimney, vent pipe , or the peak of the roof. Get up on the roof and use that measurement to locate the leak .

If you roof is severely damage protect it with a tarp . To reattach smaller shingles loose use asphalt shingles use tube of asphalt sealer. Check the joints around the flashing , Pull old shingles around the good condition shingles . Remove old nails replace in the lowest point and work upward. Install all but the top shingle with nails , stop at the top shingle and seal at the sealer line .