Tag Archives: basement flooding

Sump Pump French Drains Flood Basement

Sump Pump : Installing

If water continues to accumulate in your basement despite all your efforts at regrading and sealing your basement walls, installing a sump pump may be your inly option for resolving the problem . Permanently located in a pit that you dig beneath your basement floor, the sump pump automatically kicks in whenever enough water water accumulates in the pit to trigger the pump float. The water is then pumped out the basement through a pipe that runs through the rim joist of the house .

Because you will be digging well beneath the basement floor, make certain there is no sewer pipe or water supply in the digging area . Contact a plumber if you do not know for sure that the area is clear.

The purpose of a sump pump is to collect and eject water that accumulates beneath your basement floor ( usually due to a high water table ) before it can be drawn or forced up into the basement . The most effective sump installation have drain tile running around the entire perimeter of the house and channeling water to the pump pit. This system can be created as a retrofit job, but it is a major undertaking best left to a pro .

A submersible sump pump installed in a pit beneath a basement floor to [ump water out before it seeps up into the basement .

Install the pit liner after digging a hole for ti in the granular material under the floor . The hole should be a few inches wider than the liner . Remove the excavated material right away . Add gravel to the bottom of the hole as needed to bring the liner level with top of its rim at floor level.

Pack the liner in place by pouring 1/2 inch gravel around it. Add a 1 inch base of gravel and then mix concrete to patch the floor . Trowel the concrete around the rim with a float so the patch is level and smooth.

Prepare the sump sump installation . Thread a PVC adapter fitting onto the pump outlet , and then solvent glue a PVC stand pipe ti the adapter . the stand pipe should be long enough to extend about 1 foot past the liner rim rim liner rim when the pump is set on the bottom of the liner .

Attach a check valve to the top of the stand pipe to prevent the pump pit . Solvent weld another riser to fit into the top of the check valve and run upward to a point level with the rim joist, where the discharge tube will exit the basement .

Drill a hole in the rim joist for the discharge tube and finish routing drain pipe out through the rim joist.. Caulk around the tube on both the interior and exterior sides. On the exterior , attach an elbow fitting to the discharge tube and run drain pipe down from the elbow. Place a splash block beneath the drain pipe to direct water away from the house . Plug the pump in a GFCI-protected receptacle .

Things you may need also is to dry lock basement walls for leaks especially in July less of a water table. Regrade french drains and dirt outside dig trench ten feet away outside and dig a trash can size hole. Than place another receptacle with perforated holes and gravel place around , and let the water run off and away. 100 percent do the trick . Call topjobrestoration.com for any answers.

Water Heating : Installing

Shut off the gas supply at the stopcock installed in the gas line closed to the water heater. The handle of the stopcock should be perpendicular to the gas supply pipe. Also shut off the water supply .

Drain the water from the old heater by hooking garden hose up to the sillcock drain and running it to a floor drain. If you don’t have a floor drain , drain the water into buckets . For your personal safety , wait until the water heater has been shut off for a couple of hours before draining it.

Disconnect the gas supply from the water heater . To do so, loosen the flare fitting with two wrenches or pliers in a soft copper supply line or loosen the union fitting with two pipe wrenches of black pipe supply lines .

Disconnect the vent pipe from the draft hood by withdrawing the sheet metal screws connecting the parts . Also remove vent pipes up to and including the elbow so you may inspect them for corrosion buildup and replace if needed .

Cut the water supply lines. Prior shut off the cold water supply either at the stop valve near the heater or at valve in new condition , replace it with a ball valve .

Remove the old heater and dispose of it properly . Most trash collection companies will haul it away 20 dollars or 30 dollars . Don’t simply leave it out at the curb unless you know that is allowed by you municipal water collection department . A two wheel truck or appliance dolly is a big help here. Water heaters usually weigh around 150 pounds .

Position the new until installation area. If you have flooring you wish to protect formless, settle unit on a drip pan ( available where water heater accessories are sold ).The shallow pans feature a hose bib so you can run a drain line from the pan to floor drain . If the water heater is not level, level by shimming under the bottom with a metal or composite shim. Note you ‘ll need to shift the unit around a bit to have clearance for installing the water supply connectors.

Install a Relief valve and its important to change your supply lines every 5 years. Prepare the new water heater for installation . Before you put you put the water heater in place , add a T & P ( temperature and pressure) relief valve at the valve opening . Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions and purchase the recommended valve type. Lubricate the threads and tightened the valve into the valve into the valve opening with a pipe wrench. Note The water heater shown in this sequence came with a T & relief valve that’s preinstalled .

Things may be easy to fix gas heaters have pilot and trip it and relight is , on the bottom in plated gas you will see it through there and little flame will show though the plated glass.