Tag Archives: emergency water damage services

Plumbing Cutting & Soldering Pipe

Place the Cutting wheel tube over the pipe and tighten the handle so that the pipe rats on rollers and the cutting wheel is on the marked line.

Turn the tubing cutter one rotation so that the cutting wheel scores a continuous straight line around the pipe.

Rotate the cutter in the opposite direction , tightening the handle slightly after every two rotations , until the cut is complete .

Remove sharp metal burrs from the inside edge of the cut pipe , using the reaming point on the tubing cutter, or a round file .

Clean the end of each pipe by sanding with emery cloth . Ends must be free of dirt and grease to ensure that the solder forms a good seal.

Clean the inside of each fitting by scouring with a wire brush or emery cloth .

Apply a thin layer of soldering paste flux end each pipe, using a flux brush . Soldering paste should cover about 1 inch of pipe end .

Apply a thin layer of flux to the inside of the fitting . Assemble each joint by inserting the pipe into the fitting so it tight against the bottom of the fitting sockets . Twist each fitting slightly to spread soldering paste.

Use a clean dry cloth to remove excess flux before soldering the assembled fitting.

Preparer the wire by unwinding 8 inches to 10 inches of wire from spool . Bend the first 2 inches of the wire to a 90 degree angle .

Open the gas valve and trigger the spark lighter to ignite the torch. Adjust the torch valve until the inner portion of the flame is 1 inch to two inches long.

Move the torch flame back and forth and around the pipe and the fitting to heat the area evenly .

Heat the other side of the copper fitting to ensure that heat is distributed evenly . Touch solder to pipe . Solder will melt when the pipe is at the right temperature .

When solder melts remove the torch and quickly pus 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch of solder into each joint. Capillary action action fill the joint with liquid solder. A correctly soldered joint should show a thin bead of solder around the lips of the fitting.

Allow the joint to cool briefly , then wipe away excess solder with a dry rag, Caution Pipes will be hot If joints leak after is turned on , disassemble and resolder.

Valves should be fully open during all stages of the soldering process . If a valve has any plastic or rubber parts remove them prior to soldering .

To prevent valve damage , quickly heat the pipe and the flanges of the valve, not the valve body . After soldering , cool the valve by spraying with water .

Turn off the water and drain the pipes by opening the highest and lowest faucets in the house. Light your torch. Hold the flame tip to the fitting until the solder becomes shiny and begins to melt.

Use the channel type pliers to separate the pipes from the fitting .

Remove old solder by heating the ends of the pipe with your torch . Use a dry rag to wipe away melted solder quickly.

Use emery cloth to polish the ends of the pipe down to bare metal. Never use fittings.

Plumbing Water Supply Lines Maintenance

Cross linked polyethylene (PEX) is growing quickly in acceptable as a supply line for residential plumbing, It’s not hard to understand why. Developed in the 1960’s but relatively new to the United States, this supply pipe combines the ease of use of flexible tubing with the durability of rigid pipe . It can withstand from subfreezing to 180 Degrees.it inexpensive ; and it’s quieter than rigid supply pipe .

PEX os flexible plastic tubing that’s reinforced by a chemical reaction at creates long fibers to increase the strength of the material. It has been allowed by code in Europe and the southern United States for many years , but has won approval for residential supply use in most major plumbing codes only recently . It’s frequently used in most major plumbing codes only recently supply use in most major manufacturer housing and recreational vehicles and radiant heating systems . Because it so flexible , PEX can easily be bent to follow corners and make others changes in direction . From the water main and heater , it is connected into manifold fittings that redistribute the water in much the same manner as a lawn irrigation system.

For standard residential installations , PEX can be joined with very simple fittings and tools. Unions are generally made with made with a crimping tool and a crimping ring . You simply insert the ends of the pipe you’re joining into the ring , then clamp down the ring with the crimping tool . PEX pipe, tools, and fittings can be purchased from most wholesale plumbing suppliers and at many home centers . Coils of PEX are sold in several diameters from the 1/4 inch to 1 inch . PEX tubing and fitting from different manufacturers are not interchangeable . Any warranty coverage will be voided if products are mixed .

Tools you may need list ( you should have all supply lines change every 5 years )

Tape Measure, Flet-tipped pen, Full circle crimping tool , Go no gauge , tubing cutter, PEX pipe , Manifolds , Protector plates, PEX fitting, PEX , Utility knife, plastic hangers, crimp ring , protective equipment.

PEX pipe is relatively new water supply material that’s growing in popularity in part because it can be installed with simple mechanical connections.

Specialty tools for installing PEX are available wherever PEX is sold . The basic set includes a full circle crimping tool. A tubing cutter ,and go/no gauge to test connections after the’ve been crimped . Competing manufacturers make several types of fittings , with Proprietary tools work with their fittings . The tools and fittings you use may differ from those shown n these pages .

PEXis connected to other eater supply materials with transition fittings, including CPVC to PEX copper to PEX and iron to PEX.

Genrally , you should use the dame diameter PEX as is specified for rigid supply tubing but in some “home run” installations .

Water Proofing Sealing Prevent Moisture Foundation Wall Cracks

To repair a stable crack , chisel cut a keyhole cut that’s wider at the base than 1/2 inch deep . Clean out the crack with a wire brush.

To help seal against moisture ,fill the crack with expanding insulating foam, working from bottom to top.

Mix hydraulic cement according to the manufacturer ‘s instructions then trowel it into the crack , working

from the bottom to top. Apply cement in layers no more 1/4 inch thick , until the patch is slightly higher

than the surrounding area . Feather cement with the trowel until it’s even with the surface . Allow to dry


Water proof Paint
Masonry paints and sealers , especially those that are described as waterproof, are rather controversial products. Some manufacturers , claim that applying a coat of their waterproof paint will create a seal that can hold back moisture , even under light hydrostatic pressure. Other suggest only that their product , when applied to a basement wall, will create a skin that inhibits water penetration from the interior side.

Masonry paints do hold up better on concrete surfaces than other types, largely because they are higher in alkali and therefore less reactive with cement based materials . But they also can trap moisture in the concrete ,which will cause the paint to fail prematurely and can cause the concrete to degrade , especially
if the water freezes. Read the product label carefully before applying waterproofing paint to your basement walls, and make sure to follow the preparations protocols carefully . If you have a foundation wall with an active water seepage problem , address the problem with the other methods shown in this sections, including grading and gutters . A coat of waterproof paint is not to make your basement drier .

Clean your gutter and patch any holes. Make sure the gutters slope toward the downspouts extensions and splash blocks to keep roof runoff at least 8 feet away from the foundation.

Cover window well that will other wise allow water into basement Covering them with removable plastic is the easiest way to keep them dry. Covers on egress window wells must be easily removed from inside …
If you prefer to leave wells uncovered, add a gravel layer and a drain to the bottom of the well. Clean the well regularly to remove moisture heavy debris .

Things you need to fix concrete water proofing : trowel concrete mortar type S , or hydraulic cement for super water proof basement . Shovel and wheel barrel mix and water proper mixture . Concrete rake and concrete self level make easier for concrete to float cover the crack. Sand paper or heavy or epoxy if you did not properly level out and make smooth the concrete. Paint brush and caulk gun to brush in pattern the concrete to leave the pattern where concrete is much harder to break 30 years later .

Shower Enclosure Installing Water damage

Mark out the location of the shower, including any new walls , on the floor and walls. Most kits can be installed over wallboard , but you can usually achieve a more professional looking wall finish if you remove the wall covering and floor covering in the installation area. Dispose of the materials immediately and thoroughly clean the area.

If you are adding a wall to create the alcove , lay out the locations for the studs and plumbing on the new wood sill plate . Also lay out the stud locations on the cap plate that will ne attached to the ceiling . Refer to the enclosure kit instructions for exact locations and dimensions of studs. Attach the sill plate to the floor with deck deck screws and panel adhesive , making sure it is square to the back wall and the correct distance from the the side wall.

Align a straight 2×4 right next to the sill plate and make a mark on the ceiling . Use a level to extend that line directly above the sill plate . Attach the cap plate at that plate.

Install 2×4 at the outlined locations . Check with a level to make sure each stud is plumb , and then attach them by driving deck screws toenail style on angle into sill plate and cap plate .

Cut an access hole in the floor for the drain , according to the installation manual instructions . Drill openings in the sill plate of the wet wall ( the new wall in this project) for the supply pipes , also according to the instructions.

Install a drain pipe and branch line and then trim the drain pipe flush with the floor. If you are not experienced with plumbing , hire a plumber to install new drain line.

Install new supply risers as directed in the instruction manual ( again, have a plumber do this if necessary ). Also install cross braces between the studs in the wall for mounting the faucet body and sower arm.

If the supply plumbing is located in a wall ( old or new) that is accessible from the non-shower side, install forming for a removable access panel

Attach the drain tail piece, Option and mortar before you lay down the tail piece .

Set the receptor in place and nail to the studs. Lay out the drain and valves holes and cut with a jigsaw . Need to use a fine tooth blade with a jigsaw.

Positon the back wall gap should be 1/2 inch between the bottom of the panel and the rim. Remove the end of the wall if need to apply adhesive apply it now .

Reinstall the end panels follow the kit instructions and pals are flush front the receptors.

Once the panels are positioned correctly and snapped together nail 4 inches to 6 inches along the vertical surfaces.

Brick Mason Repairs Water Proofing Basements Damage

Repairing Block Walls

Usually, the first repair you ll need to make to a block structure will be repointing – using fresh mortar to replace mortar joints that have failed . This process is the same for brick ; Other simple cosmetic repairs to a block structure involve reinforcing a damaged area with a patch of repair compound ,or coating the block with paint , stucco, or mortar .

Foundations Wall Repair Water damage

If a block or brick foundation has cracked and chipped on the surface but is still structurally sound, there are several repair options, including repointing the mortar joints, replacing badly chipped units, and covering with stucco. If the bricks or blocks don t wobble in and out of line too much , you can use 1/2 inch pressure-treated plywood or foam board to bridge the nooks and crannies that let in water and moisture. Even small openings can eventually ruin the foundation s appearance and sap its strength.

To make a complete seal and create a neat line near the ground, clear away enough dirt so that the bottom few inches of the new covering can be buried, can tuck the upper edge into a liberal bed of caulking below the house siding. Although pressure-treated wood will resist rot, you might refill the small trench with gravel to encourage drainage before replacing the top layer of sod. The only trick part of simple operation is nailing the covering panels into the brick . Get an assist by lacing the backs of the covering panels with construction adhesive ; then use several hardened masonry or cut nails to lock each sheet in place. Nailing into the mortar between bricks is easiest if you can gauge the courses of brick.

For a neutral , masonry – like finish , coat the covering material with heavy – bodied gray exterior stain. From a few feet away , it will look like stucco. While you re at it, consider adding a layer of rigid foam insulating the exposed portion of the foundation.

Painting Block

If you plan to finish masonry basement walls, there are special waterproofing paints that roll or brush on thickly, like wet plaster . First, you should patch any open or leaking cracks with a cement-based patching compound or hydraulic cement . Even on rough walls , surface application look better and last longer over sound, uncracked surfaces.

For painting , opt for a heavy-napped roller , called a bulldozer by professional painter because it can be loaded with thick paint and it will push the excess along the wall just as a bulldozer pushes dirt. The thick , ragged nap is essential when working on rough masonry . It helps to work the viscous paint into surface crevices and the joints between courses of concrete foundation block .

Top Job Restoration Construction Services

Service area Warrington, Pa . Warwcick, PA . New Hope, Pa . Doylestown, Pa . North Wales, Pa .