Tag Archives: water proofing

Gutters Installing

Installing a snap together vinyl gutted is a manageable task for most do it yourselfers. Snap together gutter systems are designed for ease of installation , requiring no fasteners other than the screws used to attach the gutter hangers to the fascia .

Tool & Materials
Chalk Line , Tape Measure , Drill , Hacksaw, 1 1/4 inch deck screws , Gutters, Drain pipes, Connectors , Fittings , Hangers , Protective equipment.

Estimating Gutter Parts
Gutter sections : Measure total length of run ; 15 percent for waste , Sold in 10 foot length.
Inside/out corners : one per corner no outlet.

Connectors : Two per corner ; one per end .
End caps right and left per end .
Downspouts outlets: One for every 35 foot of gutter .
Down spout elbow : Three per downspout.
Drainpipe : one pipe per downspout outlet . Measure gutter height and add 5 foot for each pipe for splash block outlet and waste.
Drainpipe hangers : Two per drainpipe.

How to install Vinyl Gutters

Mark a point the high and each of each gutter , 1 inch from the top the fascia . Snap chalk lines that slope 1/4 inch per 10 feet. toward downspouts. For runs longer than 35 feet mark a slope from a high point in the center toward down spouts at each end .

Install downspout outlets near the ends of gutter runs at least one outlet for every 35 feet of run. The tops of the outlets should be flush with the slope line, and they should align with ends caps on the corners of the house

Following the slope line , attach hangers or support clips for hangers for a complete run . Attach them to the fascia at 24 inches intervals using deck screws .

Following the slope line attach outside and inside corners at all corner locations that do not have end caps.

Use a hacksaw to cut gutter sections to fit between outlets and corners . Attach the end cpas and connect gutter sections to the outlets. Cut and test fit gutter sections to fit between outlets, allowing for expansion .

Working on the ground, join the gutter sections together using connectors . Attach gutter hangers to the gutter for models with support clips mounted on the fascia . Hang the gutters, connecting them to the outlets.

Cut a section of drainpipe to fit between two downspout elbows, One elbow should fit over the tail of the downspout outlet and the other should fit against the wall. Assemble the parts, slip the top elbow onto the outlet . and secure the other to the siding with a drainpipe hanger.

Cut a piece to fit between the elbow at the top of the wall and the end of the drainpipe run, staying at least 12 inches above the ground . Attach an elbow ,and secure the pipe to the wall with a drainpipe hanger . Add accessories , such as splash blocks , to help channel water away from the house .

Basement Floors Water Proofing

Basement Floors and cracks and how to repair if dried and/or wet also use dehumidifications .

Preparing concrete floor for carpet , laminate and water proofing from a crack fixed. Use leveler mix or mixture to fill in small dips in the concrete floor . Level out floors are important and pitch off if you need a sump pump or/and water reservoir table and dry lock walls . Lot of other things need done to water proof all areas of your basement to be completely water proof dried .

Prepare the crack for the repair materials by knocking away any loose or deteriorating material and beveling the edges down and outward with a cold chisel. Sweep or vacuum the debris and throughly dampen the repair area. Do not allow any water to pool, however.

Mix the repair to fill the crack according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Here, a fast setting cement repair product with acrylic fortifier is being used. Trowel the product into the crack , overfilling slightly. With the edge of the trowel , trim the excess material and feather it so to is smooth and the texture matches the surrounding surface.

How to patch a large hole which can be linked to floor leaks that will flood your entire basements , how to fix properly.
Use a hammer and chisel or a heavy floor scraper to remove all material that is loose or shoes any deterioration . Throughly clean the area with a hose very important and presuure washer if needed.

Option make bevel cuts around the perimeter to in a slant pattern keep ” key ” for the repair material .

Mix concrete concrete patching compound according to the manufacturer’ s instructions , and then trowel it neatly into the damage area, which should be dampened before the patching material is placed . Overfill the damage area slightly .

Smooth out and feather the repair with a steel trowel so it is even with the surrounding concrete surface . Finish the surface
of the repair material to blend with the existing surface. For example , use a whisk broom to recreate a groomed finish . Protect the repair from foot traffic for at least one day and from vehicle traffic for three days .

It very important to have a company water damage restoration services or free estimate and to test the wood floors walls and make sure the company is legitimate. Companies such Top Job Restoration have a seal for website and are part of the better business bureau and IICRC companies who back up their work and are contractors and have proper insurance. Might need insurance claim experts which we are and some buildings need to be historical insurance. Pack out furniture dehumidifiers may be needed to and really important to remediate the source , so it will not happened again!

Brick Mason Repairs Water Proofing Basements Damage

Repairing Block Walls

Usually, the first repair you ll need to make to a block structure will be repointing – using fresh mortar to replace mortar joints that have failed . This process is the same for brick ; Other simple cosmetic repairs to a block structure involve reinforcing a damaged area with a patch of repair compound ,or coating the block with paint , stucco, or mortar .

Foundations Wall Repair Water damage

If a block or brick foundation has cracked and chipped on the surface but is still structurally sound, there are several repair options, including repointing the mortar joints, replacing badly chipped units, and covering with stucco. If the bricks or blocks don t wobble in and out of line too much , you can use 1/2 inch pressure-treated plywood or foam board to bridge the nooks and crannies that let in water and moisture. Even small openings can eventually ruin the foundation s appearance and sap its strength.

To make a complete seal and create a neat line near the ground, clear away enough dirt so that the bottom few inches of the new covering can be buried, can tuck the upper edge into a liberal bed of caulking below the house siding. Although pressure-treated wood will resist rot, you might refill the small trench with gravel to encourage drainage before replacing the top layer of sod. The only trick part of simple operation is nailing the covering panels into the brick . Get an assist by lacing the backs of the covering panels with construction adhesive ; then use several hardened masonry or cut nails to lock each sheet in place. Nailing into the mortar between bricks is easiest if you can gauge the courses of brick.

For a neutral , masonry – like finish , coat the covering material with heavy – bodied gray exterior stain. From a few feet away , it will look like stucco. While you re at it, consider adding a layer of rigid foam insulating the exposed portion of the foundation.

Painting Block

If you plan to finish masonry basement walls, there are special waterproofing paints that roll or brush on thickly, like wet plaster . First, you should patch any open or leaking cracks with a cement-based patching compound or hydraulic cement . Even on rough walls , surface application look better and last longer over sound, uncracked surfaces.

For painting , opt for a heavy-napped roller , called a bulldozer by professional painter because it can be loaded with thick paint and it will push the excess along the wall just as a bulldozer pushes dirt. The thick , ragged nap is essential when working on rough masonry . It helps to work the viscous paint into surface crevices and the joints between courses of concrete foundation block .

Top Job Restoration Construction Services

Service area Warrington, Pa . Warwcick, PA . New Hope, Pa . Doylestown, Pa . North Wales, Pa .